Sunday, August 28, 2016

This Week's ELA: Short- and Long-E and The BFG

3.04 Spelling: Short and Long E                                                     

BONUS Practice/extra credit (due Thursday):  Spell and Draw (Write each word and draw an appropriate picture or symbol to explain what the word means.)
Monday: Which are the 5 hardest words for you to spell?  Write them correctly in your agenda in the box on the bottom right.  Practice and study these words.  (Start on bonus practice if completing.)
Tuesday: Write the rest of your spelling words correctly in your agenda.  Study all 15 words.  (Work on bonus.)
Wednesday: Study all 15 words and previous weeks’ words. 
Thursday: Study all 15 words and previous weeks’ words!  If possible, take a practice spelling test (either on paper or at 

*Your test on Friday will have 20 words.  The “extra” five will be selected from previous weeks’ words.

The short-e vowel sound is the vowel you hear in egg and every.
The long-e vowel sound is what you hear in eat and eel.

1.     wrench
2.     hello
3.     yellow
4.     bread
5.     kept
6.     better
7.     sentence
8.     eggshell
9.     medal
10. metal
11. remember
12. peaches
13. peace
14. piece
15. special

Vocabulary: The BFG (Week 1)

BONUS Practice/extra credit (due Thursday):  Write each word in an original super sentence.
Monday: Use the word bank to match each word to its definition.
Tuesday-Thursday: Study for Friday’s test.  Your test will use each word in a sentence (in context).

astonishment              brilliant           crouching        massive           motionless                  sprinting        

1.     _____________________________________________________: running as fast as you can for a short distance

2.     _____________________________________________________: very bright

3.     _____________________________________________________: very large

4.     _____________________________________________________: to bend your knees so you take up less room

5.     _____________________________________________________: not moving, or without motion

6.     _____________________________________________________: a feeling of surprise

Grammar Focus: Complete sentences (subject/predicate)

Reading Focus: fantasy

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