Friday, February 24, 2017

3.26 NOT Prefixes and Traditional Literature

3.26 Spelling: NOT Prefixes ig-, im-, in-, il-, ir-
Write your words in your agenda Monday.  Spelling bonuses are due no later than Thursday.  (Dividing these words into syllables would be very beneficial.)  You must know what these words mean AND how to spell them. 
            Your test will be Friday.

1.     impossible
2.     impatient
3.     immature
4.     ignorant
5.     ignoble
6.     illegal
7.     illogical
8.     infamous
9.     inoperable
10. injustice
11. inappropriate
12. invisible
13. inedible
14. irregular
15. irreversible

Vocabulary: Traditional Literature
            Not only do you need to know what these words mean, but you will also need to be able to identify examples of each.  Bonuses are due no later than Thursday.  Your test will be Friday.

1.     folktale: a short story that has been passed down from generation to generation
2.     myth: a folktale that explains something about the world such as frightening or mysterious natural forces; often involves super natural beings including gods and goddesses
3.     legend: a folktale that usually has some connection to a real historical person or event, combining factual and fictional elements; often regarded as truth but cannot be proven as fact
4.     fairy tale: a folktale that takes place in a magical land ruled by royalty and the characters are either good or evil; contains some element of magic
5.     tall tale: a folktale with unbelievable exaggerations told as if it were true and meant to be humorous
6.     fable: a short folktale that involves personified animals and teaches a moral or lesson

March 3 is Folktale Dress Up Day!  If you’d like, dress up as a character from any form of traditional literature!  Please do not stress over this; we are trying to inject a little extra fun into our studies.

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