Friday, August 5, 2016

8/5: First Day of School!

We had such a great start to third grade!  I am so proud of our boys and girls!  They tried very hard to listen and follow directions.  They are very respectful and kind to each other (and me).  Thank you, moms and dads!  We still have a lot to learn about our school, but we are off to a great start.  (I hope your kids said the same thing!)

One important thing we did today was organize our binders.  Click HERE for a post about that specifically to check your child's things.

Normally posts won't be this long, but I wanted to give you some important information.

Starting in 3rd grade, students have an agenda (calendar book) that they use to write down their homework and other important info.  We started using it today.  Parents have the job of checking the agenda, looking over student work, and signing the agenda each night.  Your children have been instructed to train you to do this!  Please sign Friday, Aug. 5 this weekend.

The kids were pretty excited about their weekend homework.  Hopefully they explained it to you correctly, but here is clarification.

Agenda p. 1 & Dojo means to look at p. 1 of the agenda for the blog info and my email address.  Dojo is a reminder to check to see if parents have signed up for Class Dojo.  You certainly do not have to sign up, but I think we will all find it beneficial.

Olympics means that I have encouraged them to watch some of the Olympics.  We will begin studying ancient Greece and the Olympics this month, so what a wonderful opportunity!  (Of course there is no penalty if they do not watch any of it.)

Read means just that!  Please read over the weekend!  I had hoped to loan them books from my class library, but we ran out of time.  Again, there is no penalty for not reading, but we all know the importance!

Have a wonderful weekend!  Thank you for entrusting your child to my care.  I look forward to getting to know you all better and take them on exciting learning adventures.

P.S. If you've managed to read this far, please write a note in the agenda (on Friday) saying "I read the blog!"  Students will earn an extra Dojo point for teamwork, because it takes us all working together.  You are a part of our team too!

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