Monday, February 27, 2017

Mardi Gras

Many people around the world celebrate "Mardi Gras" or "Carnaval" this Tuesday.  Click HERE for a video about the holiday.

NOT Prefixes Slideshow

Click HERE for a slideshow ir-, im-, in-, and il- slideshow.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Traditional Literature Quizlet

Try this Quizlet to practice your vocabulary words!

3.26 NOT Prefixes and Traditional Literature

3.26 Spelling: NOT Prefixes ig-, im-, in-, il-, ir-
Write your words in your agenda Monday.  Spelling bonuses are due no later than Thursday.  (Dividing these words into syllables would be very beneficial.)  You must know what these words mean AND how to spell them. 
            Your test will be Friday.

1.     impossible
2.     impatient
3.     immature
4.     ignorant
5.     ignoble
6.     illegal
7.     illogical
8.     infamous
9.     inoperable
10. injustice
11. inappropriate
12. invisible
13. inedible
14. irregular
15. irreversible

Vocabulary: Traditional Literature
            Not only do you need to know what these words mean, but you will also need to be able to identify examples of each.  Bonuses are due no later than Thursday.  Your test will be Friday.

1.     folktale: a short story that has been passed down from generation to generation
2.     myth: a folktale that explains something about the world such as frightening or mysterious natural forces; often involves super natural beings including gods and goddesses
3.     legend: a folktale that usually has some connection to a real historical person or event, combining factual and fictional elements; often regarded as truth but cannot be proven as fact
4.     fairy tale: a folktale that takes place in a magical land ruled by royalty and the characters are either good or evil; contains some element of magic
5.     tall tale: a folktale with unbelievable exaggerations told as if it were true and meant to be humorous
6.     fable: a short folktale that involves personified animals and teaches a moral or lesson

March 3 is Folktale Dress Up Day!  If you’d like, dress up as a character from any form of traditional literature!  Please do not stress over this; we are trying to inject a little extra fun into our studies.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


A few things of importance...

  • Due to an error on last week's vocabulary test, 18 points has been added to each student's grade.  That is NOT reflected on the grade on their spelling test paper (which lists both the spelling test grade and the vocabulary test grade).  Add 18 points to the vocab test grade please.
  • Mary McLeod Bethune workbook pages and biography graphic organizer are due Wednesday.
  • March 3 is Folktale Dress Up Day for our two classes!  Please do NOT spend money on costumes!  Have fun being creative with what you already own if you'd like to participate.
  • Thanks for your patience with us as Mrs. Cook and I recover from our awesome trip to Disney with the high school STEM Academy!

3.25 ELA: VCV Spelling and "Bubba" Vocabulary

3.25 Spelling: VCV Pattern
Write your words in your agenda Tuesday.  Spelling bonuses are due no later than Thursday.  (Dividing these words into syllables would be very beneficial.) 
            You will choose your own bonus word this week.  What other words follow this VCV pattern?  Your test will be Friday.

1.     pilot
2.     diner
3.     planet
4.     shady
5.     label
6.     silent
7.     enemy
8.     virus
9.     chemical
10. mimic
11. vanish
12. moment
13. basis
14. balance
15. native

Vocabulary: Bubba, the Cowboy Prince
            Not only do you need to know what these words mean, but you will also need to be able to use them correctly in a sentence and identify examples of each.  Bonuses are due no later than Thursday.  Your test will be Friday.

1.     disgraceful: (adj) disreputable and without honor
2.     companionship: (n) a relationship between friends
3.     duds: (n) clothes or belongings in general
4.     recollect: (v) to recall to mind, or remember
5.     obliged: (v) forced by debt or circumstance
6.     clasped: (v) grabbed or held something tightly
7.     ruckus: (n) a disturbance or a commotion

ELA Update: We are beginning our traditional literature unit: folktales, fairy tales, fables, myths and legends!  Please drag out those favorite tales from childhood and read some together!  As you read, talk about how the characters change in the story and the lessons the tale tries to teach.  This week we are focusing on fairy tales specifically and “fractured fairy tales,” more modern takes on traditional literature.  I will be using versions of Cinderella in class.

March 3 will be Folktale dress up day!  Come as your favorite character from traditional literature.  Please do NOT spend money on costumes!  

SS Update:  The Mary McLeod Bethune biography graphic organizer and social studies workbook chapter 9 are both due Wednesday. Please continue to review the heroes we have studied: Paul Revere, Frederick Douglass, Susan B. Anthony, Mary McLeod Bethune, and Martin Luther King, Jr.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Week 24 ELA

3.24 Spelling: VCCV Pattern, Week 2
Write your words in your agenda Monday.  Spelling bonuses are due no later than Thursday.  (Dividing these words into syllables would be very beneficial.) 
            You will choose your own bonus word this week.  What over words follow this VCCV pattern?

1.     basket
2.     napkin
3.     invite
4.     bedtime
5.     number
6.     chapter
7.     problem
8.     chicken
9.     Monday
10. reptile
11. actor
12. powder
13. quarter
14. chamber
15. fifteen

Vocabulary: Story Elements
            Not only do you need to know what these words mean, but you will also need to be able to use them correctly in a sentence.

1.     plot: the main events of a story
2.     character: a person or animal who is important in a story
3.     antagonist: the main bad character
4.     protagonist: the main good character, who must overcome obstacles and resolve the conflict
5.     setting: the time and place of a story
6.     conflict: problem in the story
7.     climax: most exciting moment of the story; the turning point; generally near the end
8.     resolution: the end of the story when the problem is solved

IRA: Story Elements
            Using the current book that you are reading, choose five of this week’s vocabulary words and identify them in your book.  For example, identify and describe the protagonist and the antagonist (plus three more of these terms).  If you are reading nonfiction, use at least three of these terms and then describe at least two of the text features we have studied. 
            Please include your book title on your IRA. 
            These are due no later than THURSDAY (no school Friday).

Upcoming Events:
2/14   Valentine’s Day

2/23   Bake sale to benefit 5th grade

Thursday, February 9, 2017


UPDATE! Some students did not complete their class work today for various reasons (some were legitimate).  I told them to either finish for homework or at recess tomorrow.  Please understand that almost all of the students who worked diligently completed their work.  We will be grading their Susan B. Anthony foldables tomorrow.  Study for spelling and vocabulary tests!

Because we have 4 students out today, I am posting work here that can be completed at home to help you not be so far behind when you get back.  Of course getting better is your top priority.  Work here if you feel up to it. Read and answer "China's Lion Dance."

Log in to Clever and then go to  Read the "Women Leaders: Susan B. Anthony" article.  Be sure you click on the lowest lexile before you take your quiz!

Work on your math facts at

Complete assignments on Accelerated Math.

Log in to Google Classroom and see if there is anything else that you need to finish there.


Sunday, February 5, 2017

3.23 VCCV Spelling & Vivacious Verbs

3.23 Spelling: VCCV Pattern, Week 1
Write your words in your agenda Monday.  Spelling bonuses are due no later than Thursday.  A good choice this week would be to break the spelling words into syllables.  Use a dictionary to help you.
What part of the word is made up of vowels? Consonants?  Create fractions!
Vowel Fraction
Consonant Fraction

            *You will choose your own bonus word this week.  What other words follow the VCCV pattern?

1.     rabbit
2.     arrow
3.     letter
4.     mammal
5.     fellow
6.     follow
7.     butter
8.     attend
9.     lasso
10. pillow
11. filling
12. challenge
13. batter
14. jogging
15. stopped

Vocabulary: Vivacious Verbs
            Not only do you need to know what these words mean, but you will also need to be able to use them correctly in a sentence.

1.     mumble: speaking under your breath, not speaking clearly
2.     prepare: to get ready for something
3.     increase: to make or get more of something
4.     commence: to begin
5.     browse: to look at something in a casual way
6.     eliminate: to get rid of something
7.     astonish: to surprise someone

Upcoming Events:
2/7     Progress Reports go home to be signed & returned.
2/8     Hot chocolate sales
2/14   Valentine’s Day Party (2:00)

2/17   NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS/Parent Conference Day (Mrs. Cook & Mrs. Dyer will be on a school trip with their daughters and are schedule conferences on other days.  If you would like a conference and haven’t been contacted, please let us know at or