Monday, November 28, 2016

This Week's ELA & More: Government

3.15 Spelling: Government

Spelling practice bonuses are due no later than Thursday.  (See the Spelling & Vocabulary tab on Mrs. Dyer’s blog at if you need ideas.)
Don’t forget about practicing at

1.     government
2.     federal
3.     national
4.     state
5.     local
6.     leader
7.     president
8.     governor
9.     mayor
10. Congress
11. capitol
12. representative
13. senator
14. judge
15. consequence

3.15 Vocabulary: Government
Vocabulary practice bonuses are due no later than this Thursday.  Don’t forget about
*Your test Friday will have a total of 10 words (this week’s words plus review words).  

1.     law: a rule or set of rules

2.     leader: one who leads or guides others

3.     democracy: government by the people

4.     veto: exercise authority to stop a bill

5.     Constitution: the supreme law of the United States of America

6.     checks and balances: a system set up by the U.S. Constitution to keep the branches of government equal

7.     justice: fair behavior or treatment; a judge in the Supreme Court

IRA (Independent Reading Activity): Text-to-Self Connections
            We are learning about the three different types of connections that readers make as they read: text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world.  As you read in your independent reading book this week, write down at least one “text-to-self” connection.  Describe the passage in the story and how you connect to that passage.  Turn in the connections assignment by Friday.  (Copy given out Monday.)  Don’t forget to include your book’s title.

Levels and Branches of Government Test Friday!

            You need to know the three levels of government, who the leaders are at each level, and at least one responsibility of each level.  You also need to know the three branches of government, the people in each branch, where each branch is located, and at least one responsibility of each branch.  Why do we have three branches of government?

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