Saturday, October 22, 2016

This Week's ELA: 3.11 Roots uni-, mono-, bi-, di- and Charlotte's Web Week 3

3.11 Spelling: Roots uni-, mono- (one) and bi-, di- (two)             HD3/JC3

BONUS Practice/extra credit (due Thursday on your own paper OR through Google Docs): 

You can find complete instructions at

You will need to be able to spell each word AND know what each word means.
Monday: Which are the 5 hardest words for you to spell?  Write them correctly in your agenda in the box on the bottom right.  Practice and study these words.  (Start on bonus practice if completing.)
Tuesday: Write the rest of your spelling words correctly in your agenda.  Study all 15 words.  (Work on bonus.)
Wednesday: Study all 15 words and previous weeks’ words.  Finish bonus (if completing).
Thursday: Study all 15 words and previous weeks’ words!  If possible, take a practice test (either on paper or at 

*Your test on Friday will have 20 words.  The “extra” five will be selected from previous weeks’ words.

2.     unicycle
3.     unite
4.     unison
5.     unique
6.     monogram
7.     monotone
8.     monotony
9.     bicycle
10. binoculars
11. bilingual
12. biceps
13. biannual
14. divide
15. dialogue

Vocabulary: Charlotte’s Web (Week 3: Chapters 11-16)

BONUS Practice/extra credit (due Thursday on your own paper OR through Google Docs*):
You can find complete instructions at
Monday-Thursday: Study your words and definitions.  Begin bonus if completing.  Your test will use each word in a sentence (in context) and may include words from previous weeks.
Wednesday: Finish bonus if completing.  

1.     exertion: a great deal of effort
2.     solemnly: in a deeply serious and sober way
3.     ascend: to go or climb up
4.     sociable: friendly and companionable with others
5.     monotonous: always the same, as in tone or activity
6.     distinguish: to recognize differences
7.     lacerated: tore or cut
8.     veritable: being authentic or real

This week’s IRA is the Haunted House Story Elements.
Class election campaign speeches will be presented on 10/26.

10/28 Book Character Dress Up Day!  (Feel free to reuse those Roald Dahl costumes- or come up with something new based on a book!)

BookIt logs are due no later than 11/1.  (Read 240+ minutes and earn a free personal pan pizza!)

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